Monday, February 19, 2018

Art for a Purpose

Work Due Monday 26th

Thank you for coming in for me today. As a result of the tragedy at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School the students are to create images of healing. The images should at least be 5 by 7 inches preferably bigger. All sections should participate. Work will be sent to the art department of Majory Stoneman Douglas. Students should refrain from politics, gore, and guns. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Tight Sketch w/ Value and Reference...

Monday, February 12th.

Tight Sketch Value Critique...

Must demonstrate a clear use of reference being used...
Be prepared to explain your sources of reference...
Must demonstrate use of light sources...
Must demonstrate a composition that utilizes hiearcies
Must have a foreground, middle-ground, and background.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sterling Hundley...

Research and Passion come together in the work of Sterling Hundley.

Hundley calls his image creation Ideation. 

These outstanding images are not talent, but critically thought out solutions.

It is through the process he is able to make incredible discoveries.

These discoveries give a fresh solutions to well tread territory. For example, Napoleon has been draw thousands of times.

The master at work with his process.

Problem solved... Beautiful.