Monday, March 19, 2018


There are many kinds of perspective. Not so ironically a great place to start is one point perspective. 

One Point Perspective
When we look the towards the horizon line (where the earth meets the sky) our focus continues to a point that effects the objects we see. By understanding this we can create depth or the illusion of distance. 

The easiest example to see this demonstrated is by looking at a train track. When you see what you know are two parallel lines converge because of distance .

Comic book artists use perspective drawing to create story. This view is obviously from something flying in the sky,.,, bird, plane, superman? 

Two Point Perspective

In two point perspective, there is one horizon lines, but two vanishing points. Each vanishing point remains on the horizon line, yet they can move closer or farther apart. It helps to define the corner or angle first and then draw your lines back to the vanishing points.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Cold War... Effect on Arts & Culture

The cold war is often defined as a global arms race between two super powers. Mostly between the United States and the Soviet Union. This global arms race would have a profound effect on popular culture.

Some of the popular culture elements that were effected in western culture was the use of cartoons. Cartoons became an effective persuasive technique that allowed government to relay otherwise terrifying information in a way that felt acceptable to adults and children alike. 

This would give rise to cartoons that pushed the cultural envelope like the ...

The "arms" race... was more than just two antagonist bent on global destruction, but a creative boon.

That would give rise to helping anime becoming a global phenomenon. 

Mutants becoming zombies...

Creating our video games...

and creating this character...

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Flight Check List

Flying is one of the safest modes of transportation. So as artists we can learn from the success of the airline industry of how we can take our product from where it starts to how it gets to its destination. 

We have done the research...
We have learned about the great artists...
We have gotten the reference...
We have picked our light sources...
We have established our composition...
We have done a value study...
We have clean contours...
We have established the contrast and focal points...

The only way to get your board is ...